For those of you who are unaware of the Disney College Program, this is an amazing opportunity for young people throughout the world to gain experience and education from the happiest place on earth. Not only do the participants get to live and work at Disney Land or Disney World, but they also get access to amazing classes ranging on everything from HR, marketing, to engineering internships. It’s also a paid internship! The pay isn’t great but finding an internship these days that pays anything is hard enough.
The program generally lasts 5-7 months and the basic arrangement is that you work part time to full time in the park while you gain other experience through networking events and collegiate level classes. For more information on the specifics of the program visit their website here.
I was recently excepted into the Spring Advantage program for 2016 and I could not be more excited! I will be headed to Walt Disney World in mid-January so I will be updating you on my progress leading up to and throughout the experience. Stay tuned for more updates!