June 2nd, 2015 by admin

I think that everyone has noticed that there has been a pretty big shift in television lately. Networks are definitely spending a lot more money on production quality and sometimes shows that are cancelled get new life on online platforms like Community and Arrested Development. My favorite new innovation of this tv-centric era are some of the Original Series being put out by online plaforms like Netflix. Not only are these shows actually turning out to be good, but Netflix puts out the entire season at once which is perfect for the obsessive people like me. These are my three favorites, feel free to share your opinion about your own!



Daredevil-NetflixThis has to be one of the most well done superhero shows that I have ever seen. Not only is Matthew Murdock adorable but he’s a complete badass. He is a blind man but sees the world in a different way enabling him to have some pretty amazing ninja skills. The cast is fantastic and the writing is done very well. Complex characters, amazing visuals, A+ in my book.


The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

kimmy schmidtNow I’ve mentioned in the past that I am not usually a huge fan of tv comedies, this show is another exception. Kimmy Schmidt is kidnapped as a young girl and forced to live in a doomsday cult underground. The series takes place after she is rescued and Kimmy has to try to reassimilate into society. I always liked Ellie Kemper while on the office but this character is 10 times more funny and relatable. If you’ve ever felt awkward or weird in a social situation you will instantly feel better about yourself while watching Kimmy Schmidt try to survive in New York with limited social skills and pop culture knowledge.



Marco Polo

marcopoloI have always been a sucker for any sort of historical drama or period piece. This particular show was done extremely well. There was clearly a lot of money backing this project because the way it was shot almost makes it seem like a movie. Historical accuracy aside, the story telling is really nice and it’s really interesting seeing this side of the story. More often than not, the Mongols don’t get a lot of positive representation. This show did a pretty good job humanizing both sides of the conflict and made it very interesting to watch. I wouldn’t call it a family show as many scenes involve a lot of naked women but overall its a great show and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for something new and interesting to watch.



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