make up organizers
September 23rd, 2015 by admin

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As you have probably deduced I am in a major organization kick right now. I have all of these things that just sit there and don’t get used. I don’t like being wasteful so I have set out to rid myself of the things I don’t use, and make accessible the things that I do.

Organizing my make up has always been a big ordeal for me. I have a lot of it that I forget about and it ends up not getting used very often. I found these really awesome clear organizers at TJ Max and they were all between 5-7 dollars a piece. They weren’t that expensive and they display my make up in a cute and visible way!

I love love love them, if you don’t want to take a stroll down to the store you can also get them here. They are a little bit more expensive online but they are totally worth it! They look nice and are pretty durable.

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